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Woman Within South Central Annual Meeting & Honoring Banquet with MKP South Central

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As Woman Within South Central continues to evolve, we are creating “The Third Circle” in collaboration with MKP South Central. 

The vision of The Third Circle is to create a shared, safe space for members of both communities to come together to connect, to share ideas, to work together, to grow together, to support one another and to have fun together. We will explore future opportunities to share space and to create events that are meaningful and supportive of both communities and organizations.

 Our first collaborative effort will be held on November 9, 2024 at Land of My Grandfathers. Starting separately with the Woman Within South Central and MKP South Central Annual Meetings, the afternoon will include a shared, fun connection activity, followed by appetizers, a gourmet meal and ending with the Honoring Ceremony to acknowledge the leaders, volunteers and community members from both communities who have supported our organizations through 2024.

This shared event is an updated alternative to our annual Share Our Blessings Gathering.
Come join us and connect with your WWSC sisters and get to know our MKP brothers.

Guests will have the option of coming on Saturday, or staying a LOMG Friday night through Sunday morning if you want some extra relaxation and connection time. Men/Women will be staying on opposite sides of LOMG with separate sleeping spaces and bath houses.

This event is not restricted to only initiated women/men.  Spouses/Partners/Friends – anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to attend.

Date:  Saturday, November 9, 2024

Location:  Land of My Grandfathers,  N. Zulch, TX

Cost:  Suggested donation of $50 to cover costs of this event

** WWSC is committed that every woman who wants to celebrate with us be able to attend regardless of any financial constraints.  Any donation towards the cost of this event, large or small, is greatly appreciated.

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Event Schedule

  • FRIDAY (Optional)
    • after 4 LOMG Open
    • 8 Breakfast
    • 10 Annual Meeting
    • 12 Shared Lunch
    • 3 Connection Activity
    • 5 Appetizer Hour
    • 6 Dinner
    • 7 Honoring
    • 9 Fire & Drum Circle
  • SUNDAY (Optional)
    • 9 Breakfast
    • 11 Depart

If you have any questions about this event or would like to learn more about supporting The Third Circle, please contact Julie Boon at julie@womanwithinsouthcentralusa.org.

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