A weekend of reflection, release and renewal
Hosted by Woman Within South Central USA
~ Are you ready to reconnect with and support your sisters, and tap into the magic again?
~ Are you looking for an opportunity to do a deeper piece of carpet work, supported by strong
and loving women of the WWSC community?
~ Would you like to gain more experience and practice with carpet work processes, and “take a
peek” behind the veil of how carpet work processes evolve?
The Women on a Journey workshop is an opportunity for you to join a different type of container, presented as a different experience than on your Woman Within Weekend.
● Carpet work process in a safe and supportive environment.
● Release energy or old messages that are holding you back.
● New ways of nurturing and being nurtured.
● Fun and connection time with women of the WWSC community.
● Sacred, healing, joyous experiential process on Sunday morning.
Registration: $395
We want every woman to be able to attend regardless of her financial circumstances.
Transportation to and from the site is the Participants responsibility, carpool information will be shared and is encouraged.
Registration includes:
- program materials
- a bunk space in a cabin of other women
- Friday dinner
- Saturday, breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Sunday breakfast
If you have any questions please contact Julie Boon at julie@womanwithinsouthcentralusa.org
We look forward to your participation in this transformational training weekend.
Pre-requisites: Completion of the Woman Within Weekend is required.
This workshop will not require any support staff, however 4-6 Kitchen Goddesses are needed
for Friday afternoon through Sunday breakfast. Click here to apply for Kitchen Goddess for this
Register for Women on a Journey
This workshop is now full. To be added to our waitlist, please contact Julie Boon at julie@womanwithinsouthcentralusa.org.