A Place Apart. A Place To Just Be Me.

It is an experience unlike any other. It is neither therapy nor casual conversation with girlfriends. Instead, a Circle offers each woman the time to ask herself, “How might my life be different?” Many women say that while their Woman Within Weekend® was life-changing, their Woman Within Circle supports their ongoing growth and connection.

Express and Be Heard.

It’s a place where we can feel and express emotions, big and small. And where, perhaps for the first time, instead of receiving comments, advice or judgment, we’re simply heard – and greeted with respect, acceptance and acknowledgment for whatever we’re experiencing.

Stop and Feel.

It’s where we take the time, each of us, to slow down, to check in with ourselves and see if there is anything stirring inside of us that we want to talk about.

Grow and Connect.

With each Circle meeting, more is revealed. More is learned. Over time, strides are made. Every woman takes her place more fully as herself. And deep bonds form.

“Every week, going to my Circle is critical. It’s the one time all week that I slow down and check in with myself to see what’s really going on under the ‘I’m okay’ mask I sometimes wear.”

In our culture, there’s little time or a safe place for women to express their inner truth and be heard by other women seeking personal growth. Woman Within Circles are a place apart from everyday life that give you ongoing opportunities to learn more about yourself. Experience opening your heart and connecting with yourself – and other accepting women. No judgment or advice, just open ears and hearts.

Woman Within Circles

Most circles meet on a weekly basis and the two hours becomes a journey of deepening self-awareness and wisdom, a place to de-stress, a place to be you.

  • Typically meet for two to three hours; one to four times a month in a member’s home
  • Usually have five to ten members
  • Confidential
  • Open to women 18 and older
  • Are generally free to join and participate
  • Are self-led with leadership being shared
  • Support one another’s efforts to feel more empowered, more fulfilled and to heal emotional wounds

I’m Ready – How Do I Join?

There are several ways to join a Circle. You can join an existing Circle, you can join an upcoming Circle Training, attend an open circle, or you can gather a group of women in your community and host a Circle Training. Fill out a Circle Contact Form to receive information.

*Please note: Woman Within Circles are groups of women who meet independently to support one another’s commitment to personal transformation. They aren’t intended to be psychotherapy or counseling nor to substitute for the advice or supervision of professional services or consultation you may need. Circles are beneficial for the vast majority of participants for increasing a sense of connection with other women and overall satisfaction in life, but shouldn’t be attended to resolve emotional problems for which therapy or similar treatments are generally used. Circle Guides and Mentors aren’t trained mental health professionals nor are they trained to treat psychological problems or provide treatment to an emotionally or psychologically distressed person. If you have, or believe you may have a problem requiring psychological treatment, we urge you to consult a qualified professional instead.

Circle Contact Form

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